This Is How to Budget for a New Baby in Northern Nigeria

This Is How to Budget for a New Baby in Northern Nigeria

If all of these stats scared you off from having kids for a while… well, it might be for the better. But don’t worry. Part of the expenses included in the estimates is for nonessential items. You probably noticed that parents with higher incomes reported spending more on their kids than those with lower incomes. Really, it depends on the status of the family.

Before having a baby, there are some things you can do to get a rough estimate of what your costs will be. And then, you can start saving!

So, here is one way to budget:

1. Housing

If there is room for a new member of your family, then awesome! All you need to figure out is how much your utilities and food costs will go up. But, if you need to move, try to save away the difference in rent. That way you can figure out if paying that much for housing is feasible.

2. Medical Costs

You can’t plan your delivery date, but you can estimate your delivery costs. The hospital bills vary; if you decide to go to a government clinic, which they accept delivery for free, all you have to do is bring materials for the delivery (e.g. hand gloves, bandage, cord clamp, etc.) Or you can choose a private clinic which costs an estimate of (50k – 70k).

3. Maternity Clothes and Food

For the pregnant woman, you can buy some extra-wide, stretchy, and baggy clothes. But after a while, you may need to add some items to your wardrobe. You can thrift for them, shop for them – whatever is in your budget. And, you also need to determine whether you will be making any changes to your diet. Pregnant women require more nutrients and an additional 300 calories per day. Fortunately, some of the healthiest foods are cheap and can be bought in bulk (like veggies).

4. Baby Gear and Food

Diapers, clothes… all these add up. While college and university education is usually considered the highest expenses for parents, the new costs start right away. Figure out how much baby gear costs in your area and make a list of everything you need. The good thing is, most of this stuff can be reused for the second child. Speaking of which, don’t be afraid to use hand-me-downs! Babies grow out of things so fast, and these clothes are usually left as good as new. This would cost an estimate (100k-200k), depending on your budget or how much you saved up.

5. Naming Ceremony

The naming ceremony is a celebration of family and life. It is the celebration of the birth of a child. As Muslims, you are going to slaughter an animal for the newborn baby according to the Sunnah (Teaching of the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W). You have to save up for the cost of the ceremony. From the animal to be slaughtered to the food which will be eaten

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