Wanzami,(Wanzam or Wanzan) is a local barber, traditional healer, medicine man, circumciser and a physician in Hausaland. Wanzanci, as the occupation is called, is one of the oldest professions in...
Author Profile
Abdullahi Malumfashi
Professional Writer
Abdullahi Malumfashi is a writer, editor and translator. When he is not busy working on an article, he is probably laying somewhere reading one of the many unfinished books he started. He also loves sleeping.
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Top 13 Longest Serving Emirs in Northern Nigeria
Northern Nigeria has many Emirs, some of who have been on the throne for a long. Emirs are an important link to the people, a great source of preservation of the history and culture of the people as...
The Northern Kingdom of Kumbwada Where Men Can’t Rule
Most northern kingdoms are mostly ruled by men. The kingdom of Kumbwada is one exception. Only females can sit on the ancestral throne. No one dare sit on the throne. The only ones who did so died...
The Numerous Challenges Facing Kannywood and the Way Forward
The Kannywood industry, named after its counterpart Hollywood in Los Angeles has been in existence for perhaps over three decades. Even though veteran actors like Kasimu Yero and Usman Baba Pategi...