Relationships have their own ups and downs, compromises and sacrifices, arguments and misunderstandings. But this is completely normal and as a result, there are exceptions to what not to say in an...
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Aisha Zakari
Beginner Writer
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3 Different Ways of Making Chocolate Sauce
You only need a few ingredients to make your own chocolate sauce/syrup at home and it tastes just as better as the one you buy from the stores. So, what are you waiting for? Try making something new...
10 Things Your Partner Should Never Ask You to Do
There should never be inequality and disrespect in a relationship but rather, your partner should let you be you and do you. In this article, I’ll be running you through things your partner should...
Top 10 Essential Travel Items Every Traveler Needs
When considering what top 10 essential travel items to add to your travel bag for a trip or a holiday, it can be overwhelming in the blink of an eye. You’re conscious and confused about what to...
Wardrobe Essentials I Can’t Live Without
I mean, is it really possible? Hell No! I’ve asked my friends this question and that was their response. Hell No! These wardrobe essentials for women are a Yes to our everyday needs, looks and they...
11 Fun Activities to Do With Friends
Hello! Planning on fun activities to do with friends besides making funny jokes and talking? This article is for you as I'll be putting you through a list of fun activities to do with friends,...
25 Wedding Souvenirs Your Guests Will Love
When it comes to weddings, guests look forward to food, dress, venue and of course those wedding souvenirs they'll be taking home. I know I do. So what are those wedding souvenirs ideas your guests...
4 Different Ways of Making Your Lemonade
"When life gives you a lemon, make lemonade right?!" Yes, making lemonade is all about lemon juice, water, and the right amount of what? Sugar! In this article, I’ll be telling you how to make...
A Step-By-Step Guide on How to Make Dulce De Leche at Home
Hello! Our recipe today is this easy Dulce De Leche. No, no, say it again with me Dool-Say-Dee-Lay-Chay, yeah that’s about right. It means “sweet milk”. In this article, I will be teaching you how...