There are two types of single people; the ones who enjoy being single and the ones who do not enjoy being single. And in a split second, it could get reversed, those who enjoy being single can...
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Ajibike Maryam Olaitan
Beginner Writer
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30 Ways to Enjoy Your Single Life
Single is not a status. It is a word that describes a person who is strong enough to live and enjoy life without depending on others.Prixie There are two types of single people; the ones who enjoy...
20 Books That Will Help You Read Minds Like a Pro
Have you ever wondered if it is possible to read people’s minds if you can know what a person is thinking, what the person is about to say or do? Well, believe it or not, it is true, some people...
20 Books That Will Help You Find Your Inner Peace
Finding inner peace is one of the biggest goals we seek to achieve as humans, this is because life has a way of turning things from good to bad pretty fast, no matter what we do to prevent it from...
These 30 Quotes Will Convince You Being Single Is Not That Bad
There's nothing terrible about being single. It’s an awesome time that allows you to concentrate more on yourself, love yourself more, know yourself and also help you figure out hidden talents and...
40 Quotes That Will Help You Find Inner Peace
Life can be pretty hard and stressful, don’t let anyone deceive you. We sometimes get frustrated when we don’t get what we want because we expect a lot from people. We get frustrated about our past,...
50 Important Questions That Will Help You Know Yourself Better
There are questions you need to ask yourself as a person; questions that would affect the life you lead, help you focus on self-awareness and personal growth. Your mind remains blank when you don't...
If You are Struggling to Find Your Purpose in Life, These 30 Quotes are For You
Your life purpose is your life message, your reason for existing. It’s the reason why you get up every morning, the reason why you try to be better, the reason why you feel unfulfilled after a...
45 Quotes That Will Motivate Your Relationships
What makes life complete is the relationships we make and keep, we tend to learn, make mistakes and grow through them. But truth be told, relationships are not easy, they require a lot of hard work....