Wow, You've actually got the call and you've been invited for the job interview? That's great news. But hope you won't mind if I get you acquainted with the interview do's and don'ts. Nice decision...
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Abdulganiyu Ibrahim
Beginner Writer
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10 Steps to Make a Good Impression at a Job Interview
Do you want to make a good impression at a job interview? Simple steps to know are the basics of impressing your potential employers. And at a job interview, you need to make a good...
Why You Should Start Focusing on Your Retirement Plan Now!
About a lot of retirees have been analyzed to go bankrupt or insolvent not because they receive little or no pension at the end of their service at work, but because they failed to make the best...
5 Common Reading Mistakes You And I Are Guilty Of
Do you know you can travel around the world within the four painted walls of your room? I know you would ask that question, okay, the answer to that 'how' is through reading. Oh yes! To anywhere...
How to Stay Happy and Motivated at Work
Work can be stressful, but that doesn't mean happiness can't be achieved.Zach Holmquist I was always glued to this statement made whenever I was off to where I worked as a fashion stylist in a...
6 Techniques You Can Learn to Stay Fit at Work
The adage which states "health is wealth" is actually true to a great extent. It is very unfortunate that the very thing that can make us profitable, and successful employees for our company can...
You Won’t Believe How Waking Up Early Will Change Your Life
Did you know that scores of the world's top executives wake up very early? It is not because they can't sleep the whole night and day but they know waking up early has many benefits. They believe...