It is typical of the ajebutters among us to take soft drinks of various flavours as dessert after every meal. The averages take it once in a while, whilst the ‘fortunate’ lower-class tastes soft...
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Kabir Salisu
Beginner Writer
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1 Out of 4 People in Arewa Suffer from Mental Conditions And This Is Why
The rambles of traditional medicine sellers through loudspeakers is the hallmark of Arewa markets. We buy a myriad of regimens to strengthen our physical health, but the noun ‘mental health’ sounds...
Does Virginity Depend on The First Night Bleed?
In Arewa and many other cultures, it’s believed that virginity depends on the first-night bleed. That’s why some couples use white bed sheets for the bloodstain to be seen. If the woman didn’t bleed...