Innocence is usually associated with purity and sweetness. Innocent people are perceived as been kind and in some ways shy while being slightly oblivion to the dark side. So, are you innocent or...
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Khadija Garba
Beginner Writer
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If You Know 8 Out of These, It Is Time You Get Married
Take a quiz down memory lane, see if you were familiar with these items in your childhood. If you remember these items correctly, go get married. Like...Now!
8 Amazing Dishes You Can Make with Yam
Yam has been a Nigerian food far back to the history of food and Nigeria itself. It has been a source of delicious meals generation after generation. In addition, it is a tool of employment for its...
12 Healthy Ways to Keep Ulcer Patients Free From Attacks
Ulcer medically means a wound that does not heal and becomes ulcerated. It is a sore that forms in the lining of the stomach or the first part of the small intestine and it is researched to be...