The 7 C's of communication are sets of guidelines and principles for effective written and spoken words. However, communication is an inseparable act of our everyday activities. Hence, the main aim...
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Happiness Hassan
Beginner Writer
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7 Tips For Effective Communication
Our world would be left in confusion if humans are unable to communicate with each other. In essence, effective communication fosters advanced social interaction which creates global and local...
Pressured by Your Parents into a Career? Here’s What You Should Do
Conflict of interest in career choice between parents and their children is one of the factors igniting family dispute, which eventually terminates the love, trust, unity, understanding, and harmony...
8 Sure Ways to Foster Your Kids Creativity
A large percentage of parents fail to realize that creativity is not inborn. Rather it's learned through quality training. As a result of this, they spend their entire life criticizing their...
This is Why You Should Let Your Children Make Their Own Decision
Should parents make their children's decisions? This has been a challenging question most parents can't seem to find an answer to. However, there is a need for a balance in terms of decision-making...