There are different ways to tell if someone likes you or not, but you have to be very careful not to misinterpret peoples’ gestures. Any mistake could be very embarrassing and in some cases,...
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Abu Hafsah
Professional Writer
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7 Proven Steps That Will Help You Get Over an Ex Quickly
Do you have an ex-boyfriend or girlfriend you seriously want to get rid of in your mind? Do you have an ex-wife or ex-husband you wish to take off your mind? If yes, then you are in the right place,...
9 Things to Know Before You Marry a Hausa Lady
Marriage is an act of nature that humans engage in at a point in time in their lifetimes. Humans belong to different tribes, and sometimes one’s tribe determines the kind of person they turn out to...
If You Ever Tried Forgiving Someone and It Seemed Impossible, This is for You
Have you hurt someone and you’ve done things to get them to forgive you but they haven’t? Worry no more as I'm here for you. There are different practical ways on how to get someone to forgive you...
5 Minutes Snacks to Make for Breakfast
Whenever food is mentioned, I know all the food lovers are interested. Are you a lazy food lover or a hardworking food lover? Being lazy is not a crime; you are just conserving energy right? Not to...