Author Profile

Abu Hafsah

Professional Writer

Bappa Al-Ameen is a Geographer and an Educationist. He loves to write in his leisure time - mostly on relationships, weddings, and personal growth, and do computer related tasks. More so, he is a dedicated fellow, very time-conscious, easy-going and down to earth.
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9 Things to Know Before You Marry a Hausa Lady

9 Things to Know Before You Marry a Hausa Lady

Marriage is an act of nature that humans engage in at a point in time in their lifetimes. Humans belong to different tribes, and sometimes one’s tribe determines the kind of person they turn out to...

5 Minutes Snacks to Make for Breakfast

5 Minutes Snacks to Make for Breakfast

Whenever food is mentioned, I know all the food lovers are interested. Are you a lazy food lover or a hardworking food lover? Being lazy is not a crime; you are just conserving energy right? Not to...

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