There are different online businesses that pay in Nigeria. The phrase "killing two birds with one stone" means achieving, accomplishing, or solving two things with one action. In my own opinion,...
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Johnson Temiloluwa
Beginner Writer
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7 Books That Every Entrepreneur Should Read in 2021
If there's one thing that I'm sure of, it is that learning never stops and reading a book is one way to aid learning. Elon Musk is an avid reader. Barrack Obama makes it a habit to read every night...
6 Easy Steps to Learn Photography
One thing I will always cherish about photography is the way it de-stresses me. It can be used to stabilize emotional and mental health - just like every other art. To follow the steps to learn...
This Is How You Can Become A Freelancer from the Comfort of Your Home
It's a beautiful thing to string words into meaningful statements and watch readers feel everyone that you write. It's only fair that you want to get paid while being awesome at that art and hobby....
This is the Correct Ways to Market Your Business Online
It's an online world and one amazing thing about it is the worldwide reach, everything is accessible to anyone just at the click of the mouse or the tap on your screen. In addition, it can create...
How to Start Mini Importation Business in Nigeria
Importation sounds like something that requires a considerable amount of money to start. In recent times, you do not need so much money to start a mini importation business as it is one you can...
Check out These 9 Businesses You Can Start with 10k or Less in Nigeria
Are you a Nigerian? Do you want a start a business here in Nigeria? You might wonder, "how can I make a business out of this 10k with me?" Oh, or do you even have less? Well, I am here with...
Successful People Have These 10 Daily Habits. You Should Too.
Habit is a behavioural pattern that is regularly repetitive. A habit might initially be triggered by a goal but, after some time the goal becomes less necessary and the habit becomes automatic....